NEST System is a project born with the aim of drastically reducing the victims of accidents at sea due to collisions between swimmers, divers and underwater fishermen and boats. The system is based on Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy technology and is composed of two elements:
• a mobile app, used by the yachtsman, to detect people at sea within a certain radius • a device installed in the sub float buoy of swimmers/divers/underwater fishermen
Through its warning system, NEST, it improves the level of safety when swimming in coastal waters with the presence of boats.
Phase one: study and design
Project code: SERV_INN_MICRO2-43 Project title: NEST System CUP: G24B19000710006 Total amount of the project: € 18.500,00 Amount financed: € 14,800.00 Source: POR FESR Sardinia 2014-2020 – Axis 1, Action 1.3.2. Dates: Project start 01/01/2020 – Project end 07/07/2020 Contact: Alessandro Madeddu
Phase two: prototyping and testing
Project code: SERV_INN_MICRO3-148 Project title: NEST System CUP: G29J21002760006 Total amount of the project: € 18.700,00 Amount financed: € 14,968.00 Source: POR FESR Sardinia 2014-2020 – Axis 1, Action 1.3.2. Dates: Project start 17/05/2021 – Project end 17/03/2022 Contact: Alessandro Madeddu